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The Consultation

What you can expect in a Homeopathy Consultation

First Consultation

In consulting with a homeopath you are embarking on a therapeutic relationship where your homeopath builds a holistic picture of your illness, general health, and personality.


Be prepared to provide a timeline of key life events, sickness, surgeries, and medications, that will show to what you are susceptible and the progression, or source, of your illness. You may also be asked for your family medical history, stretching back to your grandparents, as this will uncover inherited traits and patterns.


To build a complete picture the homeopath will want to understand how you react to situations, your environment, and food, as well as things like your sleep patterns. Some questions can seem odd, or random, but they all help build a picture of you as an individual.


Once furnished with this information the homeopath will analyse your case to determine a methodology, and treatment plan, and provide you with a prescription that can be fulfilled by one of the homeopathic pharmacies.

Follow ups

Follow-up consultations are usually shorter than the initial one. This is a chance to tell the homeopath what has changed, not only in terms of your health but also any changes to routine or significant events that may have impacted how the treatment has worked.


This is also a chance to build up a more complete picture, and mention anything you forgot to say last time.


The homeopath will analyse the effect of the last prescription and make any necessary adjustments.

How many consultations?

As homeopathy is individualised, the number of consultations you will need will be dependant on many factors. Most people find that they see results after the first consultation but may need a further two or three consultations. For most cases the homeopath will suggest follow-ups one month apart.


However, for complex, or long-standing illnesses the treatment program may take longer. It may be helpful to think of having one consultation for each year you have been suffering your illness.


Once the core illness for which you came is under control the homeopath will work with you long-term to proactively address any potential illness that you may have inherited, and continue to strengthen your immune system.

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