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I work closely with Lisa Strbac who offers online homeopathic courses. If you would like to develop your home prescribing or get more insight into how homeopathy works consider one of these great courses that, once bought, you can return to time an again.

The Next Level - case taking like a homeopath

Launching 7th September 2023. This course is for you if:

  • You want to understand how homeopaths approach acute cases and to use these same skills in your own home prescribing

  • You want to be more confirdent and successful in home prescribing

  • You want to learn about constitutional homeopathy and explore some case studies

  • You want to understand remedy reactions in more detail

  • Maybe you are even considering becoming a homeopath but want to delve deeper before committing further

  • You want the opportunity to practise case taking in weekly group live coaching sessions under the guidance of a professional 


This is for INFORMATION only and is not a substitute for medical advice.

Homeopathy Heals - Everything you need to get started at home

This course comprises 42 lessons to get you started in taking control of your and your family's own heal using homeopathy at home.


This is for INFORMATION only and is not a substitute for medical advice.

Mamas to be & new baby - Homeopathy Heals

Perfect for new and expecting mamas. This self-paced course includes video lessons on:

- Introduction to Homeopathy

Plus homeopathy for:

- Pregnancy issues such as morning sickness, piles, PGP, itching
- Labour & post labour healing
- Breastfeeding & post-natal depression
- Colic, constipation, thrush & teething


This is for INFORMATION only and is not a substitute for medical advice.

Introduction to Homeopathic Detox & Drug Layers

The introductory 75 min course covers:

- Can constitutional remedies detox?
- Intro to drug layers, Tautopathy & Isopathy 
- Drainage pathways
- Intro to CEASE therapy
- Homeopathic Detox Therapy overview
+ 90 min Q&A replay with Wren Lloyd


This is for INFORMATION only and is not a substitute for medical advice.

Blocks to cure and how we overcome them - Miasms and the inheritability of energy patterns

This class is for those with some knowledge of homeopathy who want to learn about miasms. It covers:

- Classical homeopathy recap
- Maintaining causes
- Drug layers
- Susceptibility
- What are miasms & how we acquire them
- Active, Exposed & Dormant Miasms & treatment
- The 5 core miasms 
- Miasms in relation to childhood illnesses

This is for INFORMATION only and is not a substitute for medical advice.

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